We can help if you receive a “Fan Error” alert or if your computer heats and/or disables.Laptop Fan Not Working is a common concern. The fan must often be cleaned and replaced other times.
This is the symptom of a fan problem if your Laptop Fan Noise sounds weird, or if your laptop gets warmer than it was before! Let’s see the laptop by our technicians and open the computer to see what we can do to get you back on track. Here are some notes about our Laptop Fan Replacement:
- Fan Repair vs. Replacement
Often a Laptop fan fails and sometimes it’s just too obstructed to do its job. When we open the machine and analyze the circumstances, our professional technologists will understand the difference. However, most fans are relatively cheap, so we usually have no extra charge to replace the fan!
- Do You Stock Laptop Fans?
Certainly! Laptop fans are in every form and in every size. Since several models and manufacturers have the same design, we stock all the popular fan models that we encounter. Unfortunately, before we open your computer, we usually don’t know that we have your fan on stock or not.
- Preventative Maintenance
We like to see you, but we know that you do not want to see us always! A clean-up of a laptop fan is the best preventive maintenance for preventing Laptop Fan Damage. However, if it becomes too grim, stop at our office and we are happy to help.
We are aware of all shapes and sizes of fan errors. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you want more information about this service. Feel free to call us or complete our questions form and we’ll be happy to assist one of our professional managers.